Welcome to New York!

Moving across the country is almost like moving to another country— the culture, the climate, and the cuisine change dramatically from California to New York.  Palm trees are replaced by pines and cool sea salt kissed breezes become “refreshing” gusts of air from the train whizzing past as you wait in a sauna of a subway.  The once encroaching fog that enveloped what was a perfectly sunny day never comes, leaving that epic Sunday funday to become an epic  night on the stoop with the neighbors.

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The journey to make New York feel like “home” is not over, but we are sure enjoying the process.

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About This Category: Artists, Writers, and Chefs

Learn more about Lucky Luna’s featured artists, writers, and chefs by seeing more of their work, reading their new pieces, and getting inside the minds (and bellies) of kitchen savants.  Please email us directly for more information on how to show at Lucky Luna, share your writing, host a reading or workshop, or organize a supper club at our restaurant: info@luckyluna-ny.com.

About This Category: Events

Art exhibits and workshops, supper clubs with guest and in-house chefs, readings and writers circles, educator meet-ups, sustainability and composting workshops, and much more at Lucky Luna!  Look here for more information on Lucky Luna happenings.  

About This Category: People, Passions, and Projects

Lucky Luna has a large and diverse community of friends who are deeply committed to a variety of programs and projects that are in line with our values and interests.  This is the space they have to share, network, and educate.  Some of these passions include environmental actions, civic rights and education, youth services, art endeavors, and much more.

About This Category: Past, Present, and Future

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  Lucky Luna is proud to represent Mexican and Taiwanese cuisine and culture. As owners, we share a connection to the Bay Area of California and to our new home, New York.  We have chosen Brooklyn to set down our roots and are excited to learn more about its (and greater New York’s) culture, cuisine, art, history, and politics, but most of all, its people.  The people who inhabit this great metropolis come from all walks of life, many of whom only recently moved here, like us, or may only be a generation or two into the city.  In every case, however, each person carries with them tales of treasures, trials, and triumphs.  Inspired and influenced by our own such journeys, we wanted to share some images showing how we came to be Lucky Luna.